Assistant professor, CSE, IIT Delhi
TBO Faculty Fellow
Office: SIT 412, Khosla School of IT, IIT Delhi
Email: ajindal AT
About me
I am an assistant professor at CSE, IIT Delhi and am broadly interested in systems. You can read about my current research interest here.
Prior to joining IIT Delhi, I spent an year at Instabase and another couple years as the CTO of Mobile Enerlytics, a startup I co-founded. I received my Ph.D. from Purdue University where I worked closely with professors Y. Charlie Hu and Samuel Midkiff. I earned my undergraduate degree from IIT Kanpur.
Current research / Publications / GitHub / LinkedIn / Google Scholar / CV
Active projects
- Satyam Jay (PhD)
- Rohith Vishnumolakala (MSR)
- Kushagra Karar (MSR)
Selected Press
- Mobile Enerlytics, 2014+: BGR | Mashable | Gizmodo |
- DiffProf, 2018: Communication of the ACM | The Register | The Week |
- Hush, 2015: BBC | SlashDot | Zee News |
- No-Sleep Bugs, 2012: The Verge | NBC | Times of India |
- Google India Research Award, 2022.
- Best Community Paper Award, MobiCom, 2022.
PC member: SYSTOR’25, ATC’25, ATC’24, Middleware’23, Eurosys’22