Daily Practice:

Warm up the voice every morning with the following exercises…

Blowing Bubbles:

Here’s a video demo of the exercises: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FStqHThEY9M


  1. Alternate between voice on and voice off while blowing bubbles Keeping the bubbles going continuously even while switching from voice to no voice
  2. Next, while keeping the voice on, start gliding up and down your pitch range. Keep the bubbles continuous throughout
  3. Then lift the straw right above water and keep the ripples the same while moving up and down pitch range
  4. Then, take the straw out of the water and hold in front of your mouth. Keep lips rounded and air blowing into the straw (from a distance) and practice gliding up and down pitch range. Keep the air flow continuous and steady throughout your high and low notes

Lip Flutters: Do these daily - preferably in the morning (showering, making coffee/breakfast, making bed, etc.) Here’s a good video on how to do the flutters: https://youtu.be/Pt_grtSTfAg