Communication- Active listening
Active Listening:
Competitive vs Active Listening Interjecting — putting yourself into the communication
Speak up more often (interject), and speak up earlier (especially in a group dynamic - first 5 minutes)
Speak up during the social banter/chit-chat part of meeting
Speak up to share EQ (not just chiming in w/ IQ content)
- Jumping in to illustrate or give an example of what speaker is saying (it is easier to speak up once you already have)
- jumping in to share personal perspective
- Interjecting doesn’t mean you are on the hook for adding a golden nugget of info, it can simply be to agree or illustrate someone else’s point. The first point of entry is to help the group dynamic (by putting yourself in it)
If you are thinking “should I say this?” the answer is very, very often yes
Say it earlier in the meeting (don’t save it for the end or wait for someone to ask/inquire/invite)